Message from Chairman
Now, the outbreak of new speicies of Coronavirus disease 2019, or also known as COVID-19, that spreading since the end of year 2019 and continuously spreading around the world. It were unavoiably effected on humanity’s way of living. Wyncoast Industrial Park Public Co., Ltd has already prepared and ready to adapt for business survival among the economic votality both in Thailand and global Economy under the aspiration of sustainability growth and social responsibility at the same time by considering for all stakeholders.
Wyncoast Industrial Park Public Co.,Ltd. has core business under the basis of green industry development in the area of East Economic Corridor (EEC) by planning to expand in order to support industrial manufacture both in free zone area and general zone area. The business of our affliated companies has already started Solar rooftop powerplant project on rooftop consecutively since 2014. Accordingly, Company has enough potential and reliability and received trustworthiness we as a developer of Royal Thai Army Radio and Television, TV5 HD’s Prototype Solar Power Plant Project or Battery Storage System for sustainability energy, 1 main net workstationand more than 52 stations all over the country and being on Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) for domestic customers and also international for several projects.
In the end, I would like to extend my gratitude to all stakeholders who have partial step together and we are completely determine and operate our business under the sustainability development, concerning for both environment and society, as well as taking priority of good governance and continuously operate sustainability business.